FFA Day was GR8!!!!! Prepare for multiple posts! Shout out to the FFA department for all of your hard work!
Last week, Reece brought in tadpoles and shared his frog expertise with the whole first grade! GR8 Spring Show and Tell!
District Softball Bracket
Green Ridge Softball will be playing at home tonight against St. Paul's Lutheran. First pitch will be at 5:00 p.m. Good Luck Tigers!
Congratulations, Palina Logvinenko, for being our 2nd Book Blast Treasure Chest stuffed with cash winner! Way to go! For those families that still want to participate, hoist your ship’s sails and register here: https://app.booksarefun.com/GreenRidgeES65332. Your adventure awaits!
If you’d like to support our school and help all our students have access to more books, please donate here. https://bit.ly/GreenRidgeES-ContributionLink Your support truly makes a world of difference in their education!
Mrs. Robin is such a blessing in Kindergarten! Thank you for all you do to help grow our little tiger cubs!
First graders were extremely focused on their math lessons today while participating in engaging Math Centers.
High school art classes were weaving and painting today. Everyone is getting ready for next week's Art Show!
Celebrating these office heroes!!!
Spring Senior Recognition will take place on Monday, May 1st. We will be recognizing Senior athletes from Boys Golf, Softball, and Track and Field and will start at 4:45 p.m. If we have inclement weather, the recognition will be moved to 6:00 p.m. in the Big Gym.
Softball will be playing LaMonte/SH tonight in Green Ridge. Start time has been moved back to 5:15 p.m. Golf is playing in Cole Camp tonight with tee off at 4:00 p.m. Good Luck Tigers!
Ahoy, mateys! The 1st winner of our book blast treasure chest stuffed with cash is Jaxon Combs! Congratulations Jaxon! Now, more treasure awaits.... If you haven’t yet, register by clicking the link below and enter contact info for 10+ people who want to support your pirate’s home library: https://app.booksarefun.com/GreenRidgeES65332
Tomorrow, your pirate could be hauling home the treasure!”
2023 Jr High & HS Art Show
Elementary students who scored proficient or advanced on any part of the MAP test last year received a bomb pop as a reward today. Today's treat was an incentive to keep up the GR8 work as we head into this year's MAP testing season!
Second graders were eager to show off their giraffe masterpieces today with their teachers before heading back to class! Another great project, Mrs. Link!!!
These ladies help keep the wheels turning at Green Ridge R-8! Words cannot express the amount of appreciation we all have for you! Happy Administrative Assistant's Day! Thank you for ALL you do!
Audrey Harding, Stephanie Nilson, Missi Larimore, Michelle Binder, Molly Edington
The Book Blast voyage to your student’s NEW BOOKS begins today! Please take just 7 minutes to check out the Treasure
Map. Simply register for the event and enter the contact info for 10+ people to support your little pirate’s home library.
It’s really that easy! After completing those steps, your student will receive ALL 3 rewards and will be entered to win
one of four Treasure Chests stuffed with cash and prizes! Also, one lucky winner in your school will win an iPad. Start
the voyage to earn all 10 exciting new books on the Treasure Map booklist! Your participation can help other students
at your child’s school build their home libraries, too. Go to https://app.booksarefun.com/GreenRidgeES65332 and
unlock your treasure!
As we go into our conference track meet today, we want to wish all of our junior high and high school track athletes the best of luck.
From Coach Bates “We have had a phenomenal season with all of our athletes. Many have won medals at several of the meets we’ve participated in. But more importantly, all of them have experienced winning in their own way.”
“Winning for our team does not always look like a medal or a plague. For us, it looks like a new Personal Record in a field event or running event. For us, it is the long distance runner who is able to get that sprint in the last 100-150 meters to pass an opponent or to get a better time. It is the athlete who decided to try a new event and challenge themselves beyond the one or two events they’ve seen success in over the years. Or the athlete who had never participated in track and decided this was their year and nothing was going to stop them.”
“Regardless of how we end the day, Coach Donaldson and I are so proud of the work and effort all of our athletes have put in this season and have enjoyed getting to witness the moments you have exceeded even your own expectations.”
Run Fast, Throw Far, Jump High!
Senior Spotlight
Our final Green Ridge student honored with Rotary Student Recognition for 22-23 school year is Mattilyn Mergen! Congratulations to Matti for her excellent academic, athletic, and other extra curricular achievements! She was recognized as GRHS outstanding senior student at yesterday's Rotary Luncheon. Way to go, Matti!