Team building in Coach Cannon's PE classes!
Mrs. Piscopo's class has been learning about soil and rocks in science. They each made a rock collection, used a magnifying glass to study the rocks, and wrote describing words for the rocks in the collection. It was nice to have a high school cadet available to help support students during this lesson!
Here are a few of the decorations on display for our veterans!
A HUGE SHOUTOUT to FBLA sponsor, Mrs. Anderson, FBLA President, Mallory Reed, FBLA officers and members, and students for your wonderful display of patriotism and respect as you honored our veterans today! Thank you to all of our veterans for attending, and most importantly, thank you for your service to this GR8 country!❤️🇺🇸❤️
Mr. Hieronymous paid tribute to our POW/MIA veterans, and Miley Hayes played the somber 24-note bugle call, Taps.
Harmony performed an Armed Forces Medley while we honored each branch of the military.
A heartfelt thanks to our guest speaker, veteran Barry White, who also formerly served as President and member of the Green Ridge R8 School Board. Thank you for your service to our school and to our country!
The Presentation of the Colors by the Green Ridge Chapter of the Sons of the American Legion was very special. It was followed by the playing of The National Anthem (led by Jr.High Chorus and Harmony)where veterans stood at attention to salute the flag and civilians placed their hand over their heart.
2nd through 6th grade singers performed "A Grateful Nation" for our Veterans Day assembly!
FBLA hosted an amazing Veterans Day breakfast this morning!
Thank you, to our PTSO moms for a GR8 Cupcake Day!
Mrs. Warner has "extra hands" to provide student support during small group reading time!
Second graders continue to strengthen their word work and reading skills!!!
Ms. Dailey modeled using mirrors and whisper phones to help students make correct letter sounds!
Students have been practicing their word work and reading skills with Mrs. Johnson!
From Mrs. Anderson:
"My second section of Careers class learning about globalization. This class was determined to find objects that the first class may not have found."
Coach Cannon's high school Total Body Fitness (TBF) class participated in the 1000 step up challenge today, in honor of Veterans Day. The challenge was based off of GORUCK's Chad 1000x. The Tiger students completed the Beginner option of the challenge. GoRuck's website: GORUCK, and CrossFit present the hero workout “CHAD” - in honor of Navy SEAL Chad Wilkinson who took his life on October 29, 2018 due to the effects of numerous deployments, several TBIs, blast wave injuries and PTSD. Our goal is to honor Chad’s life and legacy and to raise awareness for suicide prevention.
CHAD 1000X has brought together thousands of registered participants, as well as hundreds of thousands of dollars raised since 2020, looking to be part of something greater than themselves. To not only bring awareness to the epidemic of suicide, particularly among veterans, but also to help be part of the solution through the support to the The Step Up Foundation and other veteran health initiatives.
1. Slick/Beginner // No rucksack. You pick the height of the step-ups.
2. Standard/Intermediate // 30#/20# rucksack. You pick the height of the step-ups.
3. Expert // 45# rucksack. Use 20" box for step-ups.
Great work Tigers! It's a great day to be a TIGER! gotigernation
Congratulations to our GR8 students of the month! Tiger students Rhordan Melville (K), Avery Box (6), Brentley Noble, and Denver Bannister (10) were all nominated and chosen because they are great examples for others to follow.
Rhordan is always eager to learn, kind to all his classmates and shows great enthusiasm for every activity that we do! He is always smiling from the moment he walks into school until he leaves. Rhordan sets a positive example for his peers by showing his tiger stripes everyday. He has worked hard and because of that he has grown so much since school started.
Avery continuously stands out because of his leadership. He volunteered to straighten out the chromebook carts, clean the classroom, hold open the door, take the library books to the library, and every other form of help. He tells his classmates to straighten out if they are doing things that would catch negative attention. Avery comes to school each day wanting to be the best person he can be. He does his best on his work and is a shining example of the kind of person we hope to see in our hallways.
Brentley is a responsible and respectful student. He listens in class, takes notes, answers questions, and helps students who are struggling. Brentley is a good friend to others and a model student.
Denver is always very diligent with his work, making sure to complete it and turn it in on time. He steps up and actively participates in class discussions, helping students create connections that they may not have identified. Denver is extremely respectful and willing to help out with any task asked of him. He also promotes a postive attitude in the classroom with his peers and teachers.
Congratulations to these gentlemen for being our GR8 Students of the Month!
Mrs. Donaldson's 8th graders walked to the rec center pond to create surface waves and observe how they change. GR8 day for outdoor science!
Sixth grade had an amazing field trip to The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art!!!