Our 4th Graders have been busy analyzing characters and a variety of other deep comprehension activities. One amazing feature of our current reading series is that students are able to circle, underline, and highlight the text!!!
The 3rd Grade Spelling Bee in Lincoln is getting close!!! Multiple spelling bee rounds take place at Green Ridge R8 before the official event!
3rd Grade has been working hard in their new math series. We have seen an increase in math scores this year! Can't wait for the upcoming Math Contest in Lincoln! Keep up the GR8 work!!!
Thank you, Ms. Schmidli and students, for hosting a fabulous Poetry Cafe!!!
5th Graders presented their amazing poetry at last week's Poetry Cafe!
Poetry Cafe was a great opportunity for parents to observe how much growth is happening in 5th grade!
Ms. Schmidli's 5th graders participated in her annual Poetry Cafe last week! We have some very creative students! Wonderful job!
Silly string for the win!
Read-A-Thon reward finale for the day---silly string!
GR8 students celebrating with GR8 teachers!!!
Lunch with teachers was a GR8 reward!
Read-A-Thon reward--Lunch with teachers & special snacks!
Extra recess Read-A-Thon reward!
Celebrating our PTO Read-A-Thon success today with extra recess, lunch with teachers, snacks, popsicles, popcorn and a movie, and silly string! Over $8,600 was raised with this fund raiser. Funds will help pay for field trips, teacher appreciation, math and spelling bee shirts, and teacher supplies. Thank you to everyone who helped support our students! And...a huge shout out to our fabulous PTO!
Senior Spotlight
5th grade students signed the Declaration of Independence. They absolutely loved being able to recreate the actions of our Founding Fathers. Students had the opportunity to use an authentic quill and inkwell. The novelty of it really made a memory for them!
Earth Science students participated in a Water Shed Lab.
Bio 2 Owl Pellet Dissection was a hit!!!
Bio 2 Owl Pellet Dissection!!! This lab was awesome!
Thank you to Central Bank for donating pencils to our Junior High. The Junior high was in desperate need of pencils, and they delivered!