Tigernation: Due to upcoming predicted weather next week, we have chosen to postpone our family night until March 11th. We hope you can mark it on your calendar and plan to attend!

Congratulations to many of our HS volleyball players for earning Academic All-State honors. To earn this players have to participate in 75% of all varsity matches and carry an average above 3.60 GPA.
This year Mallory Reed, Abby Warner, Emery Cannon, Aliya Edington, Alayna Brosch, and Elyse Cooley did just that. They are talented in the classroom as well as on the court! Congratulations Lady Tigers and thanks for being great!

Throw Back Thursday:
Tiger Nation- In an effort to connect with our community we will be posting Throw Back Thursday Photos from time to time.
This TBT Photo is in honor of Valentine's Day! Please tag people you know and interact with us! TIGER NATION!

Good Afternoon Tiger Nation:
GR R-VIII will BE in session tomorrow-Thursday February, 13! It will be cold so bundle up! Look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow!

Games for tonight with Windsor have been cancelled.
A make up date will be rescheduled.
Thank you.

Tiger Nation-
Due to the forecasted storm and winter storm warning GR R-VIII will utilize AMI Day 5# on Wednesday February 12.
This will be our last available AMI Day. Any further days missed will be made up in this order: Monday March 17, 2025, Monday March 31, 2025.
Please be checking our website for further developments for the remainder of the week. Stay warm and safe!

Congrats to Hannah Lentz (270), Josiah Donaldson (258) and Xander Reynolds (229) for shooting the 3 highest scores at the Clinton High School Bullseye this weekend. Our Jr. High archers shot well too. Chet Sobaski shot a personal best at 248. Natalie Demschick (232) and Myah Mahalovich (191) rounded out our Top 3. Keep it up Tigers! 🎯

Harmony traveled to Harmony today for their 27th annual invitational. It was a fun day filled with lots of laughter, bonding, music, and dancing.
This was our toughest competition yet. The group didn't falter and put on a great performance taking 3rd in their division. They represented Green Ridge well after performing for their K-8 fans on Friday.

Mrs. Donaldson's 7th grade science classes explored crystalline structure of molecules by creating sodium tetra borate decahydrate (aka Borax) crystals.

Take a look at the GRHS Academic Awards and Recognitions from 1st Semester! These students are all GR8!

This semester we are recognizing students who exhibit our character word of the month. In January, we focused on encouragement and encouraging others. This group of students stood out as encouragers among their peers! GR-8 job!

We want to say a big thank you to all the wonderful ladies in our counselor hub! We appreciate all that you do! Help us celebrate school counselor week, by showering Ms. Fox, Mrs. Peterson, and Mrs. Edington with some praise!

Join us in celebrating the Kansas City Chiefs as they thrive for another Super Bowl win!

Mrs. Donaldson's 7th grade science class practiced their understanding of the periodic table of elements by challenging a classmate to Periodic Table Battleship!

Junior High Basketball will be traveling to Lincoln tonight for a 5:30 start tip off. The order of games will be Girls "A", Boys "A", and Boys "B". Good Luck TigerNation.

The Tigers archery team represented well at the Lincoln Bullseye Tournament Saturday. Hannah Lentz shot the highest score for the Tigers at 268 finishing 1st out of 75 females. Josiah Donaldson finished with a 252 and an overall boys rank of 27 of 127. Denver Bannister rounded our our Top 3, shooting a 236. Miley Hayes, Joe Lee, Xander Reynolds and Anthony Howe all shot personal bests!
At the Jr. High level Chet Sobaski shot the highest score, again, at 217. John Butler, Natalie Demschick and Myah Mahalovich also shot their personal bests! Congrats Tigers!

Harmony got on the road before the sun came up today and headed to Mt. Vernon for their Mid-Winter Classic Show Choir Competition.
Harmony took first place in the small schools division! GO TIGERS!
Judges had great feedback about the performance after the show. This was their first competition of the season. Next competition is Troy on February 8th with Rock Bridge and Hollister competitions in the weeks to follow.
Here's to a great season TIGERNATION!

GRHS Courwarming contests will start tonight at 5:30 against Otterville. The order of events will be: two quarters of JV Boys basketball, Varsity Boys basketball, and then the Courtwarming coronation. Just to circle back on Mr. H's post about the parking lots, please be careful on your way to the gym. Good Luck TIGERNATION!

Check it out! This group of young men have all been recognized for being helpful and helping out without being asked. This is why Green Ridge is so GR-8, because of students like these!

Good Morning TIGER NATION!
First let me say a HUGE "THANK YOU" to Ronnie, Bobby and Barry for their efforts on our campus with this past storm. These gentlemen take great pride in our school and grounds and embody what it means to be an integral part of TIGER NATION.
With that being stated, please exercise extreme caution as you go to and from your vehicles tonight if you come to Court Warming.
If you are like me, your body does not bounce, bend or contort like it used to without dire consequences!
We hope to have a full house tonight and welcome folks back home to TIGER NATION!
Be safe when parking and leaving as there are still slick spots in our parking lots!